ENGLISH101 : Assignments
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Lesson Plans/Assignments

Monday, December 6, 2021
Lesson Plan:
Introductions and getting-to-know-you. No need for ice breakers, just introduce yourself by stating your nickname and favorite movie.

Discuss course syllabus.
Review contents of course syllabus. There will be no exams for this class, but please be mindful of essay submission dates. Look up the required reading material through the school's library.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Lesson Plan:
Exploring language. Key discussion questions: why is language important? How does it relate to our culture? 
Write an essay on the importance of studying Language, English in particular. If you grew up understanding and speaking more than 1 language, how has this affected you? What if you can only understand the other language and can't speak it? How has that challenged you? How being knowledgable of multiple languages an advantage or a disadvantage?

Minimum number of words is 300. Maximum is 500. No required format. Submit through the Homework Dropbox under English 101 > Week 1. Don't forget to fill out your contact details on the submission form.

You can also submit it printed or handwritten during our next meeting. Make sure it is legible and has your name on it.

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